Thread: Licensed Full Moon wo Sagashite
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Old 2004-03-18, 00:39   Link #21
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Full Moon wo Sagashite

I know there's an thread already (I used the search forum) but they were talking about the ending and I'm only on episode 13 of Full Moon wo Sagashite.

I had some questions. Is the girl's stage name Full Moon in english, or is it translated english? If it's translated, what is her name in japanese?

And one more thing. I am deaf. I know it's a weird choice in anime for a deaf person like me, but I guess this kind of thing is fascinating for me, and I can "imagine" what the song sounds like in spoken words even if it's not an accurate representation.

I was wondering if this song was really good? I.e. a popular song, or was it just something made for anime and people are "supposed" to believe it's a good song? I'm not sure if I'm clear when I say that. I will try to clarify if people don't understand.

Also, I really like the way the fansubbers did the font, different colors representing different characters. It really helps me because in some anime, it's hard to tell who is talking due to being unable to see who's lip is moving for one reason or other. (For example, sometimes someone is talking with their back facing the "camera" so I'm not sure if he's talking or the other person who's also off screen is. Thanks a.f.k. for doing such an awesome job.
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