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Old 2008-12-24, 06:04   Link #1802
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the Horizon
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Jimmy C View Post
Out in the open with no cover for the people you're supposed to be protecting is a not defensible area. Ask any soldier, would they rather have a roof over their heads when an attack comes, and would they prefer that roof to be made of the strongest material possible? As for the drones getting around them, perhaps this was the sequence of events:
1. Shamal and Zafira smack the drones that get too close to the building. They are successful for a while.
2. Otto shows up and starts bombarding them.
3. Shamal shifts her priority to blocking her attacks. Zafira shifts to covering her from drones.
4. Drones take the opportunity to get around them into the base. But Shamal and Zafira have no choice but to hope that Vice can intercept those that get to close to the personnel.
Regarding the part about the drones getting past the Shamal-Zafira front, it may also be possible that Lutecia could have pulled another mass-drone-teleport to slip pass them. If S&Z are busy with the drones and/or the Number Twins in front of them, they would, as Jimmy has said, be unable to pull themselves away to attend to this new threat and put all their bets in Vice's abilities.

Come to think of it, if the Jail faction did consider the training field as a potential refuge for the RF6 personale, what they can do is:
  • First, send Drones and/or Twins to engage S&Z.
  • Next, mass-teleport drones on the causeway to the field to deny any access. Considering that most of the ones capable of dealing with them are off in the GFHQ, a fairly sizable force would be enough, especially if that force contains at least one or two of the tougher Type-3.
  • Finally, send a 3rd group of drones to attack the interior. At this point there can be two responses from those still in the base:
  1. They stay put as they did in the actual story, and try to take out as many drones as possible. This will lead to the original outcome, the drones thin out the defenders after which Lutecia comes in and clear out those still standing; or
  2. They make for the causeway. However, when they find that their escape route is blocked, they will be in an unenviable situation where the drones in front and behind them catches them in a pincer attack (or rather, the pursuing drones will close in and force them to either scatter or fall. The ones on the causeway only need to sit still and shoot anyone that comes in too close). If this movement is executed quick enough, the escapees will have no time to consider any remaining options. While the combat personale should still be able to keep their heads (more or less) under fire, I doubt the admin and civilian staff will have their cool. Especially after one or two has been gunned down, most people without a good training will easily break down into an unthinking panic.

Both situations are bad. The first is a desperate defense that could swiftly deteriorate into a "sit, wait and die" situation, but the latter is worse in the sense that the prey will have no cover and will fall like wheat before a sharp scythe (metaphorically speaking, of course).

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