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Old 2012-04-26, 11:54   Link #4098
Urzu 7
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New England
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
I still refuse to give the American people a free pass. I already know this is going on before you show me the evidence, so the fact that the American people fell for it hook line and sinker isn't the GOP's fault. They only did what they know would work. What do you think they should do, try to win over the people with logic and facts?

The plan worked, which means Americans deserves the outcome.
Most of the people who fell for the GOPs evil ways and lies are conservatives. There are a lot of liberal and moderates that know a lot of Americans are being seriously played.

Think about it, it was so easy to paint Barack Obama as such a bad guy because he is black. There are plenty of people that don't like him (and are being played by the GOP) who are not racist, but so many people who are being played by the GOP have a prejudice against blacks, or are downright racist. The GOP is exploiting this to the fullest.

Originally Posted by GDB View Post
Seriously. How are we not trying these "people" for treason or conspiracies against the American people?
I hate it when conservatives blame liberals for most of the division in this country right now. Liberals and some moderates may feel divided from others, but a lot of liberals and moderates have a better idea of what is going on and want more unity. The GOP, starting with GWB, has been severely polarizing the country. And yet some people think the ones who should take most of the blame, or all of the blame, are liberals and Obama.

And I just acknowledged some liberals and moderates are contributing to the polarization. But let's face it, most of the blame for this falls on the GOP and certain conservatives and most ultra conservatives.
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