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Old 2012-07-04, 04:21   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 673 [manga]

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Another week, another chapter. And boy, do we get some HUGE revelations in this one. The raw is out now, and credit goes to our friendly neighborhood Aohige for translation:

-Chapter title is "Vergo and Joker". Splash page features Usopp and Brooke in a museum.

-At some random NW island, a platoon of G5 marines headed by a commodore named Yarisugi (whose name means "too much") tells some worried citizens that they were unable to find their children. The commodore says that their deaths were even confirmed by G5's top vice admiral....

-Back at Punk Hazard, Usopp and Sanmi are forced to deal with the giant kids, who have awakened and are going berserk from withdrawal symptoms again. As Usopp prepares to sedate them again, Caesar himself suddenly appears to offer the kids more of his drugged candy. Meanwhile, Zoro's group are still dealing with the slime, which is revealed to have a DF power: Sala Sala(mander) no mi: Model Axolotl.

-Back at the lab, we see Vergo chatting with Monet, who points out the hamburger stuck to his face. We then learn his true identity: Vergo is the vice-admiral who commands the G5 marines. While he's eating the burger, we see that Luffy and co. are all imprisoned together, nearby (amusingly, Luffy is reminded of Alabasta since he's locked up with Smoker again ). Law, who's also in the cell, explains the history between "Joker" and Vergo: It turns out that Vergo was a pirate who joined the marines under Joker's orders 15 years ago, and rose to VA rank during that time. The evil VA then tells Smoker and Tashigi that he'll have to kill them since Law revealed his past to them....

-Luffy asks Law about Joker. Law says that he was a former underling of Joker himself, which is why he knew him so well. Vergo also happens to be the mole's most trusted subordinate. But while in the underground he's known as "Joker", the dark info broker is known in the outside world as the Shichibukai Donquixote Doflamingo.....!!!!!!

See? Like I said, one huge revelation after another this chapter. I believe a few people had already guessed that Dofla is Joker so kudos to them. But now I'm interested in Vergo (BTW, the raw showed his name in English, so we know how it's spelled now). It really does look like this dude will be a major villain in his own right now that we learned more about him. I definitely can't wait to see more of what he's capable of now that we know he's the top dog of G5. And as for Law being a former Dofla pirate.... well, that was pretty predictable. But I guess this means that he'll be turning on his former captain now.....

Boy, the slime turning out to be a DF user sure was a surprise for me. And it really does go to show how versatile Caesar's power is (since a creature made from a DF can eat its own DF.... I mean, WOW). Looks like it really WON'T be that simply to take the scientist down after all. Looks like the post-skip Straw-Hats really have encountered their first truly challenging opponents after all. Man, I can't wait to see what happens next.....

Last edited by marvelB; 2012-07-04 at 05:06.
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