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Old 2007-08-12, 10:11   Link #1062
Game Developer
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Orlando, FL.
Age: 38
Very good point. "The War of the Politics" is a far more fitting for the 4th conflict since, like you said, it gives it a more broader and lasting appeal. And lets not forget the 3rd Dweller of the Deep that lies in the West in which she could further enrich this conflict and push it in many different directions.

And to add to your comment on the Power of Claymores. The thing that interest me so much is the huge variety of skill sets and strengths that makes each Claymore unique in their own rights. For example:

- Priscilla's power lies within her huge amount of Youki power
- Teresa's and Clare's power lies in Youka reading capablities.
- Irene's and Ophelia's power lies in sword techniques.
- Flora's power lies in speed (more so then in sword techniques)
- Undine power lies in brute strength.
- And the list goes on and on.....

And what's more interesting is how these individual skill sets improve as a character gains greater knwoledge and understanding of Yoma powers. Like how Clare was able to improve her flash sword by having a greater understanding of how Yoma flows come out of her body and how she can use those flows to direct a path for her flash swords (I believe that's how she makes it work). Furthermore, the individual skill sets are used quite inteligently in the aspect of teamwork, such as Jeane's, Galatea's, and Clare's teamwork in using their own individual skills as a colleborative effort in defeating Dafu in episode 17.

These individual skill sets and how they are used and developed through out the storyline makes the battles far more sophisticated, instead of being completely mindless.
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