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Old 2010-08-08, 17:25   Link #14
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Where I am, what more do you need to know?
You can't be serious......

You really believe that the same guy that made the incredible Ever 17, which solely relied on an ending that nearly explained everything, would make a game that NEVER told you how it ended or gave an actual explanation to almost ANYTHING.

I. Don't. Think. So.

There are far too many loose ends. There are far too many leads. Even with all the information gathered from the tips and bad ends, you still have NO ANSWERS to where all the leading was leading to.

This was NOT intentional. The guy that directed this is too good. He had a huge plot he was planning. That much is clear.

What most likely happened, is that he was told shortly before KID declared bankruptcy that they would not have the money to fund the project anymore. So the director probably did his best to create a plot twist ending like he did. It looks intentional slightly because he knew he wouldn't get to keep telling the story.

I really do hope that the PSP version has more to it.

Do we know if perhaps the director ever posted an explanation for the story online?
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