Thread: Gundam Seed
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Old 2004-04-18, 21:07   Link #39
Famous Dead Pirate
Join Date: Mar 2004
After discussion with various anime fans all over the world (and actually listening to non English dubs such as shows done in: French, Spanish, Korean), I am of the opinion that among dubs English dubs are often the worst. Spanish dubs done by Mexicans (even though I understand very little Spanish) are usually of very high quality, and I have heard the actors/actresses take their work very seriously. A friend of mine from South America told me VAs are pretty well known down there and have pretty wide fan bases. Same goes for French dubs (although French with Anime sounds a little weird), and the Korean dubs I have listened to have generally been good as well. None of them quite capture what the Japanese VAs did, but a lot of times the different takes on characters done by VAs who do stuff in these three languages is heartfelt and very interesting. English dubs generally sound less enthusiastic, less researched, less professional. Of course this is my opinion, but I feel that at least it's not an opinion coming out of a vacuum as I have heard many different dubs in many different languages over the years.
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