Thread: Ep.5 Discussion
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Old 2003-11-07, 02:45   Link #57
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Toronto, Canada
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Shift_
Well personally I feel that after watching these eps. Takayuki only really sees Mitsuki as "lets do it" "lets do it later" "lets do it today" "I can't do it" with the emphensis on nothing but sex.

When he was around Haruka, he was a happier person, so it seems. He seemed more "human" and seemed to be better.

I still don't think Takayuki deserves any of them.
Well, you are right that their relationship seems more sexual than anything in ep. 3. But that can probably be attributed to the fact that their real emotions and feelings are still locked away behind all the guilt even all those years later.

Also, I was wondering why no one seems to have caught on or mentioned the significance of the ring. It doesn't just symbolize her flirting with her best friend's boyfriend, but remember that Takayuki was running late for the date? She was still waiting for him when she was hit. And to make matters worse for Mitsuki, it was her flirting and asking Takayuki to buy her the ring that caused him to be even more late. Both of them also would have that hanging over them that had Takayuki not been late, this would not have happened. I don't know, maybe I'm reading a little too much into things, but I know sure as heck I would blame myself if something like that happened (From both of their perspectives). Added to that all the other tortures they put themselves through and you have a pair of very messed up teenagers.

Everyone keeps saying how it was wrong of Mitsuki to throw herself at Takayuki like that. Well, there is no such thing as right and wrong. Had there been such a thing, there would be no need for lawyers. Right and wrong are not absolutes, they are highly affected by circumstance and in that circumstance it wasn't the "wrong" thing to do. Not the correct thing to do maybe, but not wrong. I can understand all of their feelings pretty well. I know I would have reacted in much the same way had that happened to me. (Maybe I'm a little bit too much like Takayuki, I keep finding these little personality similarities that are a bit frightening). Takayuki was in a very vulnerable state, and so was Mitsuki. I do not think that was love even though they said the word "love" in that scene. I mean, it's true that Mitsuki has liked Takayuki for quite some time now, but at that moment it was not love, it was solace. But neither person wanted to call it that, so they used the "love" excuse.
I think that is also why their relationship isn't moving much even 2 years after the fact. It's because they just keep having sex to sort of comfort each other, instead of because they truely love one another. (It is still unclear wether there is actual love there or not. The fact that Mitsuki liked him, doesn't mean she loved him. And Takayuki's feelings are very much kept to himself). I don't see their "relationship" ever improving as things were going.

I think Haruka waking up is actually a very good thing for Mitsuki and Takayuki's relationship because this event forces both of them to reflect on their actions. I mean really take some time apart, take a break from the sex and think where they are now. Why they are there. How they got there. And what should they do. Haruka is the reason for both of them breaking down as human beings and so she may also serve as a catalyst to bringing them back so to speak.

Heh, this is my first post on this forum and it already turned into a huge rant. Heh. Sorry folks, all of my posts tend to end up like this so forgive me and this post (and any future posts I make).

Originally Posted by Shift_
I don't know of ANY girls that throw their naked selves at a guy that they really really like NO matter what. *shrugs* I mean it's great for us guys if they do.
Something similar has happened to me, so it's not impossible. Uncommon perhaps, I don't know. But when emotions run high, people tend not to act very rationally. And don't say it in such a way, because you make it sound like all girls are not sexual creatures (or frigid) and all guys are horny bastards. Sex is natural, it's everywhere and it's very pleasant especially with someone you care about. Just because society still sort of frowns upon girls displaying their sexuality many years after the sexual revolution does not mean that girls like sex or are interested in sex any less than guys are. I do not know your age, so perhaps you're just a bit too young to really notice this, but this is true and you will see it so eventually. (Trust me, I've been where you are. I also used to think that way about girls being these sort of almost divine creatures who are above simple carnal pleasures, but the truth is, we're all human).

This concludes my first post on this forum. Please do welcome me and treat me nicely, I'm fragile.
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