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Old 2013-04-10, 12:26   Link #15
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Pain and Suffering with Suffering and Pain

Pain and Suffering. Suffering and Pain. Intertwined are these two forces that haunt me so, intertwined with one another are these as they form fate around me, intertwined they are for I can never escape them for whatever reason, intertwined constantly is the endless mocking that never goes away even in the deadest of night and deepest of REM Sleep. Pain and Suffering. Suffering and Pain. Alone am I in the coldest night, alone am I to feel the unbridled wrath of the ignorant, alone am I to have the misfortune of being forced away from places I could call my home and have that emotion in which many called the happy, alone am I as despair creeps into my mind day in and day out as a form in which to violate endlessly, alone am I the exile of places a many, alone am I when facing those with issues more deranged than my own, alone am I with my endless depression as nobody assists the one named exile. Nobody wants an exile plushie under their Christmas tree. Pain and Suffering. Suffering and Pain. Oh lonely night, the stars write up my next woeful experience.
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