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Old 2011-06-06, 14:22   Link #13
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: 42° 10' N (Latitude) 87° 33' W (Longitude)
Age: 45
Sadly, if you're not Japanese in Japan -- then you can't make anime because so many people are stuck on the idea that "anime has to be made in Japan". That's based on some "Japanese only" definition; that is really an archaic definition in today's age. At the very least, you'll be relegated to making a cartoon (not by my decree). If your work ever gets out there, no one else will call it anime.

Just look at the attempts at "web manga". Non-Japanese who produced manga looking stuff and displayed their work in the web. Well, they're deemed as "web comics". I haven't read much of any of this stuff though; so, if anyone knows anything that best resembles "web manga made by a 'white' person", lemme know. And I haven't looked at Megatokyo in a long long time.

Regardless, if you really want to make some kind of indie anime, go for it.

Originally Posted by bradosia
it always ends up being a person who knows nothing about anime production and has no talents of their own except that they want to make action.
Animation takes a lot of work. It's a complex process. Even with computer aided tools.
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