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Old 2012-02-07, 20:15   Link #1071
Carpe Diem
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Age: 34
Originally Posted by miketyson View Post
It's interesting how people see things differently. When I look at Kagura, I see him as one of those guys who acts all gangster in public but actually has no job and lives in his mom's basement. Sure, his parents bought him a cool ride, but if he keeps wrecking it they'll get tired of paying for repairs and he'll be stuck at home forum-posting about his hot kuso onna in Canada (erh, I mean in Vega).

I mean he's lost every fight he's been in (twice to rank-amateur Amata, twice to dying-sick-boy Schrade), his bosses and coworkers are always getting the best of him, and he's generally more "left to do this thing" than "too strong to prevent from doing his thing". The only reason he's at all threatening is because Mikono's got a thing for him and there's a vision of them getting married.

This is probably a minor flaw in the writing: if he's supposed to be a real tough guy, it would've been
a good idea to show him winning some fights in Altair, or something. As-is it's just the apparent love-rivalry that makes him something other than a joke like Daryl in GC. Which is too bad, b/c as seemingly a major character he should be more-developed than he currently is.
I think the whole point is that he's disadvantage in every single encounter but that doesn't stop him from going out to try and get Mikono, if he wasn't getting pulled back forcefully he'd probably go as far getting himself killed trying. I said it before, but he's almost got a protagonist vibe to him where all the odds are stacked against him (as they normally would be for a protagonist chasing the girl). This is a way to show determination in the face of great odds, and is a tried and true trope for how to frame a would-be hero on his way to becoming a hero. Only difference, right now, is that Kagura is presented as an antagonist but, more so, as a puppet to the people behind him who let him do as he pleases because his actions favor their objectives. (This seems to be on purpose, especially considering the writing staff, and is a key way to keep Kagura as an identifiable character for the audience and one that they can support when the deck gets shuffled... in that episode that we're not going to talk about. )

His personality is a trait, it shows that he lacks refinement, but his actions show that he's not quite as much a brute as his words would let on. He's naive, is probably the best way to put it. He's led a life in one way, and he's grown very accustomed to it and how he's been treated in that life. Now that he's found something that he yearns for (and of his own choosing), much as a kid who wants a ball he can't afford, he's hit by a cold wall of reality and literal helplessness in the face of his opposition.
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