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Old 2012-06-24, 22:18   Link #10
Orthodox Haruhiist
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Making metal ... for fish
Age: 44
In this episode of Hyouka . . .
Oreki is made to confront Commander Adama Irisu, who tells him that he's the right officer for the job, and his constant bellyaching and false modesty are really bad for crew morale. Feeling fired up, he tries to motivate Satoshi. It backfires hilariously.

Oreki: "You could be the greatest Sherlockian in Japan if you put your mind to it!"
Satoshi: "Eh, there are other things I'd like to do than be the best Sherlockian in Japan. Like get into your pants."
Oreki: "What?"
Satoshi: "Nothing . . . nothing . . . I'm jealous though . . . of all those chicks who want your throbbing, uh, brain . . . "

Afterwards, the three members of the Classics Club (minus THE HYPNOTOAD Chitanda, who's still recovering from her night of drunken debauchery) briefly reconsider the movie, before Satoshi is dragged off for his role as Bernie Madoff's secret right-hand man, and Inspector Lestrade Mayaka announces that while she wants to help Irisu, she's not really interested in helping Oreki, leaving Oreki alone, with his throbbing brain, to figure it all out.

He ultimately applies the old Holmes maxim of "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" and announces that the mime did it, because everybody hates mimes.

Everybody is happy with the solution, except the props man, THE HYPNOTOAD Chitanda, (who's literally disappointed into speechlessness,) and Mayaka, who points out that there was this rope thing mentioned in the last episode that was so important that it was specifically ordered by the writer of the screenplay . . .

We then get to see Oreki's talent for swearing in twenty-two languages before the credits roll. Or, at least, we would if Oreki knew twenty-two languages and wasn't such a Devotee of the Church of Energy Conservation.

So with Oreki's moment of triumph so comprehensively crushed by Inspector Lestrade Mayaka, he must now race against the clock to uncover the real killer in the next episode of 24 Hyouka!

Nine ass-kickings delivered by Jack Bauer before breakfast out of ten.
Go into the water. Live there. Die there.
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