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Old 2011-03-06, 05:25   Link #171
worshipping the pantyhose
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Manila, Philippines
Originally Posted by Forsaken_Infinity View Post
Erm... how is Laura forward and upfront with her feelings? She is stupid and foolhardy which is much different from being upfront and forward towards building a good relationship.

Spoiler for rest of post:
I don't think it's fair to be knocking on Laura as an idiot. Going by what we've seen, it's not about low levels of male interaction, this girl just plain has no experience of any interaction of the sort outside of the job. And that's what needs to be looked at first; this girl is what I'd like to call a manufactured weapon, who grew up eating weapons for breakfast, and what happens when we first see her at the IS school? She treated every but Chifuyu with contempt, and she was out for blood. Most importantly against Ichika, who afterwards opened her eyes, and this part is important.

We can't be calling her an idiot because she isn't the one giving herself [most of] the orders. Look who's been advising this total noob on her first doki-doki: Clarissa. Laura the weapon doesn't know what to do, so like every soldier she looks up the chain of command. If I had a commander like Clarissa giving me orders, I'd sure as hell follow them. Heck, the only advice to Laura I bring into question would be Clarissa's reference to Ichika as "the bride". But can we call Laura an idiot for lack of common sense? So far she hasn't done anything stupid in the Sousuke Sagara'ish way, so simply put right now she's experiencing what other Anime would call "having friends."

And I think it's great Shirley is nice to her.
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