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Old 2004-04-07, 16:59   Link #28
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Looking for his book...
Originally Posted by MwyC
read his post
do i really have to spell it out?

but let me count the ways...
not having barrel plugs in safezone...throwing paintballs in the parking lot...looking down their barrels...and...this is the best - hosing down a bystander in the safezone starting from the waist to the chest..but "its not his fault, the safety and barrel plug are on"
mix in with numerous other incidents like shots being fired in the rental area
and that case involving paintballers and drive by shootings...

well i guess posting something stupid like that wouldnt qualify him for immature prick status, but stupidly bashing airsoft like that without any reason earns him 1/2 of that

at least 80% of paintballers are kids who are like city slicker hunters - "huur's mah money, so gimme a gun and ammo so i kin shoot stuff"
Everything you've seen Paintball players do I've seen Airsoft player do as well...
  • I've seen Airsoft players shoot up a person's car "by accident"
  • I've been shot in the back of the neck by an Airsoft player who didn't think his gun was loaded in the safe zone (it left a nice scar and I had to have the pellet removed surgically)
  • I've seen Airsoft players unload on a passing crowd of Paintball players because they didn't want to share the same playing field.
  • I've replaced my visor lens six times because of it being shot by Airsoft players in the safe zones
  • I've seen Airsoft player interfere in a paintball competetion, costing the team favoured to win the victory.
I can go on... but you get the point.

You've seen plenty of stupid paintball players, I've seen just as many stupid Airsoft players.

80% of all paintball players are kids?! Where do you get this information? I've been playing paintball for seven years, with the exception of one or two people who got their's in the end, I have yet to meet these "huur's mah money, so gimme a gun and ammo so i kin shoot stuff" people you seem to think everybody is.

Paintball and Airsoft are basically the same. The only difference is that at the end of the day, I go home and have a shower while you disinfect your wounds.
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