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Old 2009-11-12, 18:30   Link #117
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Age: 32
Magic training scene was strange. You couldn't tell where it took place until they returned indoors. Yes, and that dormitory, don't you think it's rather small a building? It is supposed to be a prestigious boarding school. So I believe it wouldn't look like a big family house. It should be at least twice as larger.

They didn't mention that Ange had destroyed the stakes. There was just a glance at the classroom scene, and that was all. I think it's quite important to mention she gave up on magic, because otherwise you can't explain several things, like why she's unable to perform magic, etc. I'm just too lazy and sleepy to think of other examples.

Lambdadelta's "You were tricked" scene was most likely the biggest fail in this episode. I doubt that viewers got any shivers and felt with Ange/Gretel due to this lamely adapted scene. It lacked any emotional impact.

I haven't noticed much BGM. There was like one I heard that was from VN.

Seriously, what's up with that black space? I don't know if I remember it right, but wasn't Ange walking in the corridors of the mansion in the VN? Isn't this just another cutting down on background drawings, and primarily budget?

It might have been the episode I enjoyed the least so far.
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