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Old 2012-04-28, 23:44   Link #1006
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
strange enough that the story where a girl falls in love with a guy and confess isn't that rare to see and it happens in other stories and it also happens in other stories without even prior development between the two couples or no connection at all. Just abrupt confession and love at first sight and confession all of a sudden.

But when it happens on a fat pig. The net gone haywire crazy that it's impossible. Though I also felt it won't happen in real life even though I know it can happen in real life. Sure seems fantasy at some point but still believable. And Haru's feelings are well grounded in real life. Because there is no way in hell a a perfect girl like KYH would fall for him thus I understand his stubborn idea though still stupid but believable but that cause him a lot and KYM suffers to save him but it's now his turn to protect her. As her pawn , her "child" (their relationship in the game is parent and child) and a possible lover? XD

I like his looks when his determine to do what he must do.
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