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Old 2008-07-16, 22:31   Link #1120
TRUE! Lelouch is dead! XD
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: New Jersey
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Var View Post
Let me phrase this in an easier to chew manner:
- Cornelia comes to Area 11 to clean up the area.
- Her intention is to hand it over to Euphemia.
- Euphemia slowly gains a backbone and even goes against her sister to apoint Suzaku as her knight.
- Euphemia begins to take an active role in the government as the time for Cornelia to pass her the power of Vicereign approaches.
- Once Euphemia proposes the idea for the SAZ to her sister, Cornelia notes that the only way it would be possible would be if she intended to challenge the Emperor himself.
- Cornelia could not do anything, even with her power over the Area, to establish the area without severe political backlash.
- Euphemia goes to Schneizel who has even more power. He manages to help her form the zone, which is still not well received by the Britannians and by many Japanese.

If the power of governorship was enough, then Cornelia would have been able to do what Euphie had wanted. Cornelia is not one to say no to Euphemia, this is a known fact. She simply did not have the power to do what was needed to allow such an idea to take foot in an Area. Schneizel managed to do it by having all the other royals also agree to it, which is why Euphemia had to lose her title, as the price.

Nunally reformed the area both unexpectedly, and on the grounds of what was already built by Euphie. The idea failed again, however.

Suzaku becoming the KoO would face the same problems, as well as a political backlash like none other considering his title to be. He does not have the power, as neither Cornelia nor Schneizel alone, had the power to change the very basis of the Britannian system. The SAZ was only formed by the joint approval of many, many royals. How is Suzaku going to achieve this? How is going to even manage to get the entire Japan into such a deal?
Alright, now I get what you are saying. I can see your view point, but I don't think it is as you say. The SAZ was only a start and things change over time. No one said Suzaku would be able to initiate laws over night after becoming KoO, but the process can be done.

That is what I am refering too, I remember no one denoting him at all as a hero. Only cursing him for the massacre and selling out Zero. I only do raws though, might be the sub?
In the sub I saw. Not said to be a hero, but something along the lines of "Kururuugi is there, and he is an 11 like us." Of course the guy got berated by his wife for having no back bone or something along those lines... XD

Senator was assassinated by Rolo for attempting to stop the correctional status on an Area. How many military leaders have you seen not on Lelouch's level? Schneizel? No. Xing-ke? No. Charles? No. Lelouch? No.
Damn it... I keep forgetting that Rolo Governmental Assassinations...<.<
But again, how is Suzaku shown to be a terrible military commander? Comparing him to those you just named really isn't fair at all. Even Toudou is pathetic compared to Lelouch. We also haven't seen much of Suzaku in a commander role yet. Just once and he only lost because of a freak bubble attack.

Suzaku is a piece on the board, he is no king.
I understand that, but he doesn't have to be.

Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valient
If Suzaku earned the right to be the Knight of One, then the Emperor would not object. But that's just a title, it doesn't mean he would get respect. Suzaku can give out as many orders and pass as many laws as he like, but as long as his subordinates don't cooperate there is nothing he can do. It is like how Euphemia is a kind and loving person, but soldiers under her control are still bloodthirsty psychopaths.
That would be true, if Suzaku didn't have so much respect in the military as a whole. All through R2 he has shown to have a lot of it in the military and a very good amount in the government.
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