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Old 2011-05-14, 11:29   Link #2066
The Interstellar Medium
Join Date: May 2008
Location: [SWE]
Age: 34
Manga: "I will now explain why I'm going to attack you and why you cannot win."

"I shout out my attack before you really finish talking."

"Fool, I merely show my superior skills to avoid your attack and start talking again."

"I talk back, explaining what mistake you just made."

"Heresy! I must now attack!"

Anime: *explosions, long drawn pandering of the landscape. Ogle the characters, panting.

"I will now explain why I'm going to attack you and why you cannot win."

*Include grin, a grunt, laugh. Pander the landscape again*

"I shout out my attack before you really finish talking."

*show a single move, let dust fly and wait for it to settle. Another grin, another pander of landscape. Perhaps even a grunt*

"Fool, I merely show my superior skills to avoid your attack and start talking again."

*wait for character to explain for a few min. Pause with landscapes, surprised grunts and distant explosions or perhaps a flashback*

"I talk back, explaining what mistake you just made."


"Heresy! I must now attack!"

*shouting, then fight commences.*

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