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Old 2009-12-05, 11:12   Link #1092
Join Date: Dec 2009
If the telekinesist is still trying to push the knife, Accelerator would either divert the force, or use Newton's 3rd law to hit the Telekniesist
How can he use Newton 3rd on an object which is not naturally controlled,because when and object is under telekinesis control, it ignores any physical property (as air frottage,gravity...) so no vectors.(maybe you're talking about the vector created when their powers collide against each other,which is another story).

Of course if the fact that he can use other people powers against them,so it makes him have a sort of "imagine controller" since he can control any thing whether it's normal or paranormal.

Accelerator is the strongest level 5 (or was), so I think it's safe to say his powers outweigh other peoples. What would likely happen is the immediate vector changes as it's in contact with him, would bounce away, but the moment it's out of his influence the previous force would re-apply itself.

So you'd get a knife that 'bounces' from the target, but keep going back towards him. Sort of like a rubber ball on concrete, sort of.
well,that's true.It's the only explanations which seems to be the most logical one.

Can someone expand on what the Black Wings do/allow him to do, beside be a typic bad-boy accessory item?
It's a key item in all classic shonen(like the pantsu in ecchi animes...),so it isn't a surprise to see this here.
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