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Old 2008-09-16, 03:00   Link #1047
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Er... durka durka much?

Inoue compares herself to EVERYONE. Good example; During the S.S. arc, after the fight with the fat guy with the flying knives, she started feeling inferior when she noticed how much Ishida has improved over the short period of time, and began to question what she has been doing all this time.

Unless Ishida is actually Rukia, her inferiority complex existed for a long time. Growing up the way she did, can you blame her? Guess what kimosabi, being alone makes you weaker, killing her heart and going ronin won't make her stronger. I'm a true believer in, "when you have someone precious to you that you want to protect, you actually become stronger." and wouldn't you know it? thats basically the theme for Bleach, "To fight to protect."

Her insecurities does not stem from Ichigo, her upbringing and experiences in life are responsible for that. To say that because she's in love is whats making her weak is pure ignorance. Even if it wasn't Ichigo that she had fallen in love with, she'll still face with the same issues. In love or not, she'll continuely question her self worth in combat. Its something that exists within her.

Not every problem can be handled on your own. To have someone that can share that burden, trust, and reliance is very important to psychological stability. Unfortunately she can't turn to Tatsuki about this, as she's clueless (more or less) about the "other world". Having a friend who you can turn to is great, but its doubly great if its your lover. As there are things he/she can do that a friend cannot.
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