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Old 2008-03-22, 21:57   Link #76
Urzu 7
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New England
Age: 40
I can't believe the OP said that he might be anti-Tibet. Never shall I give him cookies.

First thing I want to make clear: I like China, I really like the Chinese people. But I basically hate the Chinese gov't, as it is currently, and how it has been since the late 1940s.

Anyway, don't listen to what the Chinese say about the Tibetan situation. Ever. They will lie to make it seem like they are monsters, and the Chinese gov't are a bunch of angels.

Tibet used to have a great relationship with China. Tibet has a rich and unique form of Buddhism, and the Dali Lama is a prominent person in this religion. Part of China's and Tibet's former great relationship was the rich spirituality that reciprocated between the two. The Dali Lama is believed to be a great bodhisattva (mahayana Buddhist concept) who was been reborn many times in this world, with the goal to do good for others in the world. One Dali Lama was a Chinese woman, back around 500 years ago. So China and Tibet had a great relationship.

Tibet has a great, rich, and unique culture, with its religion being a big part of it all. The culture and society has been very well rooted in morals and ethics, too. A very wholistic culture.

Well, the Tibetan way of life and culture is in the process of being eradicated. China (the gov't) is totatlly in the wrong. Tibet had an autonomous status, and when Communist rule came to China, the corrupt leaders saw it fit to go into Tibet and occupy the region. They then decided that they can't practice their religion, which is central to Tibetan culture. They took away rights and started forcing their ways of life on them.

They are taking away their rights, destroying their way of life, denying them of their relgion, eradicating their culture, and trying to replace it with the Chinese way of life. They are oppressing these people. The Tibetans never started this conflict, they were never the aggressors, they are victims in this. The Chinese gov't is oppressing them, beating and jailing civilians who protest, beating and jailing monks for peaceful protests (who are pacifists), are trying to eradicate Tibetan culture, and to this date, have demolished well over 6,000 Tibetan Buddhist monastaries. That is like if some country invaded another country and destroyed over 6,000 churches or mosques.

Again, Tibet isn't the aggressor. Why would the Chinese rulers go and do this, then? Because they were an easy target; Tibet wouldn't have been able to put up a fight. They haven't been able to. And Because the rulers wanted in for two reasons: natural resources, and because the area is a good strategic position for China's defenses in the south. Unjustified, and awful.

So no wonder, after decades of oppression, riots break out. Mostly Buddhists there who strive for pacifism, yes; especially the monks. But they are human, too. And when Tibetans act up, the Chinese gov't will try to portray them as bad. Most of the world knows better. When monks loose control and turn violent (again, they are only human like the rest of us), the Chinese gov't will be sure to make it look like they are all out of control, and that the Tibetans are in the wrong (when it really is the Chinese gov't).

Again, for any members here from China, I really like the Chinese. It is the Chinese gov't I don't like, and I really dislike what they done/are doing to Tibet.
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