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Old 2007-12-03, 23:37   Link #48
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Ontario, Canada
Age: 43
"From now on, I shall call you 'Mid-Boss'!"


I think that Graham is a very different kind of rival to Setsuna, for one very good reason.

Ali is a known (and despised by Setsuna) quantity - he's clearly the kind of person that Setsuna wishes to get rid of, what with the whole terrorism and mercenary war-is-profit thing.

But Graham is more of an ideological challenge.

Graham believes that CB are misguided - and right in the first ep he scoffs at their self-imposed wish to 'use war to end war'.

Maybe it's because he's seen the folly of the Union's own interventionism (which the President himself comments on - well, maybe not the folly part, more the 'We're the Union - being snooty go-gooder interventionists, with a dash of enlightened self-interest, of course, is our job!') or maybe he prefers to see the Union (which, for all its faults, is an association of democratic states, with an elected leader) handle issues like these rather than a self-declared private organisation, but he's as much in the right, if not more so, than CB.

Hell, the series could easily be written from his perspective - having him lead the charge against CB, and going after the terrorists - and it wouldn't look all that different to the way it does now.

So yeah - Graham is the true challenge, because he has the kind of case that CB may find hard to refute.
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