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Old 2010-07-22, 01:01   Link #232
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Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
Replace 'Obito' with 'Kisame' and your argument falls apart quite easily. You're asking me to accept everything the manga shows us at face value and you just can't with this manga. Kisame's death, Orochimaru's death, Itachi's motives, Bee's capture by Sasuke, ad infinitum. If you've been following this manga at all, then you should know better.
Again, there is a big difference between a character dying (or pretending to die) but then coming back a few chapters later, and a character dying and never being shown to return. Both "died" but only one was ever truly acknowledged as being dead...

Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
- Similarity between Kamui and Tobi's warping ability.
Ah, but if the Sharingan/MS turns out to be a streamlined ability (i.e. all Uchiha posses the same basic abilities (which is the currently accepted speculation)), then the similarity becomes a moot point. In the end, the similarity does not necessitate Obito's existence.

Additionally, even if it turns out to be an Obito exclusive that still doesn't mean that Tobi is Obito. Tobi/Madara has a wall of Sharingan eyes, so it is just as likely that Obito's eye could have been taken leaving Obito's body to rot (or if Zetsu is around, be eaten).

(If the speculation that Zetsu = Tobi turns out to be true, then it is easy to hypothesize that Zetsu ate Obito and reconstructed an Uchiha body from the dead Obito...but that still means Obito is not Tobi .)

Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
- Zetsu still refers to Tobi as Tobi, and earlier referred to him as a 'boy'. How many boy Uchihas do we know? Sasuke, Itachi, maybe Shisui, and then Obito.
Since little is known of Zetsu, it isn't really safe to make any speculation based on this strange character with a split personality. For instance, who’s to say that Zetsu isn't hundreds of years old?

Additionally, Zetsu's use of "boy" could just as easily be a carryover from when Tobi acted like a childish fool. In other words, it’s a joke that Zetsu has kept up.

Honestly, the comment need be only as deep as each audience member wishes it to be. Nothing about it actually indicates anything (though I fully admit it could act as very deep foreshadowing for an eventual reveal, but until such a reveal the comments mean very little).

Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
- From what we know about Tobi's body, his right arm was artificial (created by Zetsu) and the right side of his face is full of creases/striations (also similar to White Zetsu's face). Now let's ask ourselves who could be missing parts of the right side of their body? Certainly Obito would, since his right half was crushed by rocks.
Tobi loses an arm of his left side in Chapter 503. So, that kind of debunks this speculation...

Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
- The name: There are at least a couple characters with "tobi" in their name (Sarutobi, Tobirama). But what matters is the characters that are used. And the characters in Sarutobi and Tobirama don't match those of Tobi. However, Obito's do.
The vast majority of the first names in the series are written in katakana, so this is a non-point. You might as well say that Nagato and Naruto are related considering that there is only a one character difference in their names.

Originally Posted by Hiking_Bear View Post
It's not our refusal to accept Madara as Tobi. It's the manga itself that asks us the question.
cf. Chapter 500 "Who is this masked man?"
That was a has no bearing on the current storyline, nor Tobi revealing himself as Madara.

Additionally, just two chapters later the question was answered : Madara.

That being said, even if it did matter, that still doesn't necessarily indicate Obito. As I have said many times, there is ample evidence that Tobi could potentially be someone or something besides Madara, I just don't see Obito as being a frotrunner in the "Who is Tobi" debate.

Honestly, the only reason we actually think Tobi could be someone besides Madara is because of the mask. But, when you really think about it, is that even a reason to suspect otherwise? Specifically, Kakashi has 75% of his face covered, yet no-one doubts that he is Kakashi, why can't it be the same for Tobi/Madara?

In the end, Kishimoto said, yet again in the third data book, that Madara will ditch the mask when he sets his ambitions in motion. Assuming that the war is the official start of Madara's plans, we could be seeing Madara's face in just a few chapters...


Personally, I'm surprised there haven't been more Kagami Uchiha theories in this thread/sub-forum...

Last edited by james0246; 2010-07-22 at 02:10.
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