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Old 2012-10-30, 08:44   Link #35
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In my room
The raptor is a monster tsf that can fight against other tsf with a ratio of 1:7

its so darn fast that you don't know what hit you until you're down. The stealth ability might sound useless against BETA but that is just an additional feature that makes the raptor scary against tsf battle but it doesn't change the fact that its a top tier tsf that is on par with takemikazuchi.

Being able to battle other tsf with a ratio of 1 raptor to 7 tsf is no laughing matter. Imagine the BETA hordes that it can slaughter if it can even take on the the job of battling against 7 tsf. Plus just like what said before. US has different means of fighting than with Japan. Japan has their swords and like to rush in and take them down while the US will put holes in every part of your mech till your scrap in a safe distance.

now that we are talking about the raptor it reminds me of major walken ;_; US and their stupid conspiracy.
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