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Old 2010-08-07, 02:16   Link #4067
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Komari View Post
It's the episode where the karate girl coughs up blood because
Spoiler for spoiler, cause of sickness:
if that helps you remember.

I like your explanation, but the doctors seemed to wave it off for some reason, so I kinda thought it was just what the machine she was in saw, not actually her brain exposed (she was in the tumor searching machine). And do external tumors throb and bloody?

Another question, on the episode with the bratty chess prodigy kid,
Spoiler for spoiler:
Bacteria in the bloodstream at causes septicemia, which is literally a systemic blood infection. For this episode this happened because the GI bleed caused an opening of the GI contents to spill into the systemic circulation which is itself fairly common in many untreated GI ulcerations. The bacteria in question are most likely normal GI tract flora such as E. coli. Treatment for these cases focus on antibiotics active against gram negative bacteria.

I obviously need to have seen the chart of this patient, but throbbing of an artery secondary to septicemia was probably due to the vasoconstriction of the arteries as a response to the hypovolemia that occurs in septicemia patients.

As for the annoying chess prodigy kid, hemochromatosis can present with various systemic organ effects secondary to iron deposition in various tissues. Central and peripheral neuropathies can present when the iron deposits in neurons and ganglions, which accounts for the way the kid had issues holding his chest pieces due to the nerve involvement, but as to the seizures... well I can't explain why they're episodic rather than sustained.
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