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Old 2008-06-10, 12:54   Link #22
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Colorful Colorado
Age: 46
I haven't seen Mai-Otome yet (soon!), so I'll just list Mai-HiME:
  • I think my absolute favorite scene is in ep 25. Mikoto thinks of Mai's cooking when she tastes her ramen and just breaks down. Mikoto's emotions are always so genuine, without guile or deceit, and you can tell how sad and lonely she is when anything reminds her of Mai. This scene was probably the hardest (read: impossible) to keep the eyes dry (although certainly not my only failure to do just that in this series). Then her ani-ue being an evil bastard when he "comforts" her.
  • Natsuki vs. Shizuru - final round: When Natsuki looked at Shizuru and yelled out to Duran to fire, and the look on both their faces as they hugged each other, accepting each other's feelings and the inevitable outcome...
  • Tate's death gets a special mention because it wasn't phony or macho. He faces death frightened, but with dignity. "Damn, it's scary to die", boy if hearing that doesn't send a shiver up your spine.... And then Mai's despair afterwards, along with Natsuki going to comfort her with tears in her own eyes... Mai looking over to Mikoto to scream at her, but stopping short when she sees the tears streaming down Mikoto's face... Powerful stuff.
  • Tate saving Mai with Miyu's sword. Some people think this was a macho thing (the guy has to be the one to save the day), but I disagree. Tate always wanted to help in any little way he could, even if it was blocking one slash, and then keeping Reito busy so that Mai could do what she needed to do to save the day. Plus, Mai comes right back and saves him a moment later. I think it drives home that a relationship is about being there for each other when the other needs help.

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