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Old 2008-11-13, 10:42   Link #695
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Yep, and Battler won the most suspicious contest for some reason...

As to the portraits, I think that in a way, they are a lot more suspicious than most people give them credit for.
First off, Kyrie did not see the picture change in ep2. Well, at least the game never says that she saw it change. In fact, it game never says that it does change, and it never mentions the second portrait at all. It just shows a different picture on the screen when that other Beatrice shows up.
And unless you make some really crazy weird theory, you have to admit that Kyrie would end up mentioning the fact that the portrait magically changed.

And the ep3 picture only appeared during
Spoiler for ep3 spoilers:
which more or less took place in metaland.

In other words, the new versions of the portrait, which have become the symbol for the entire series, have absolutely nothing to do anything that happens in the series. Are there really separate portraits? Is it someone's delusion, and if so, whose?
It isn't like Ryuukishi to waste material like that.
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