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Old 2007-06-17, 11:32   Link #20
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Canada
Age: 36
A bit late but better than never.

Themes that really get to me are hopes and memories. Depending how it is done it can get me in a heart warming mood or it would get me depressed for days. Planetarian has both; when I finish reading last night it was hard for me to sleep because my mind just keeps replaying the beginning and ending of Planetarian.

It is Reverie naivety&hopelessness in her daily routine that really gets me. The thing she is doing are no longer needed yet she can't stop because she is programmed to serve (humans) as a representative in the Planetarium. A endless cycle that I would rather see her shut down than see her do this for eternity. Then the ending where we know that she was fully aware that the things she was doing was meaningless - no customers or her fellow employee will come back really hit me hard. Yet it is her naivety or you could say her program overrided that daunting possibility to turn it into hope which lasted for 30 years. It is a bittersweet ending, her hope was finally granted yet she died for that it; performing what she was meant to do, serve humans.

It is the part where Reverie projected her memories before she "died" that almost made me cry. Shes a robot yet, we can't help but have human emotions put on to her.

Before reading Planetarian, I already knew what will happen to Reverie. Even so, experiencing it is totally different and while reading this I expect what kind of things she would say. The whole war thing, I didn't bother to think much about it, just the bond created between the Junker and Reverie.
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