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Old 2004-05-18, 19:39   Link #12
It's bacon!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Up and to the Left
Age: 43
It really depends on how the fanservice is used. Even when excessive, it can build on as character development. Thus giving you an idea on what the character could do next, yet building to the story and plot. One would likely call it soft porn,.. but a true soft porn IMO usually doesn't build much to the story & plots, and usually involves character extras and not those that would be considered as the main characters.

But if the main/only characters don't build a partial story, than that would be best call soft porn.

Yet fanservice can be a broad definition, from a very small amount of skin, to completely in the buff. Most wouldn't consider just a small amount of skin, such as a leg, as soft porn.

Thus I use three definitions to classify fanservice:

Ero: Beyond 55% heavy skin, to hard core acts for the series or episode.

Hentai: 20% - 55% heavy skin amounts for the series or episode. Hard core acts must be below 20% for the series or episode.

Ecchi: Light amount of skin, to about 20% heavy skin amounts for the series or episode.

Soft porn however, can fall within either of the three categories. But that is left to the eye of the beholder.
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