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Old 2011-09-11, 09:23   Link #20
Sunder the Gold
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Originally Posted by Akiyoshi View Post
Considering he can keep up with Fate one-on-one while being a Big Muscled Guy holding a humongous Axe-anchor thing i think his instant teleport has something to do. Still, Deville's teleport abilities seems to be the fastest seeing in the franchise(faster than Yuuno, Lutecia, Caro and Shamal's at least).
Every other teleporter in the franchise was aiming for a more distant location than Deville, and one they couldn't even see without magic.

It only makes sense that a short-range teleport to a place you can see would be faster, maybe even easier. Maybe even something that you learn as a intermediary step towards being able to teleport to other continents, let alone to other PLANETS.

Really it's probably the writers not wanting Yuuno to suddenly appear to support Nanoha against the Book of Darkness even when he totally could have.

Caro had various reasons why she didn't need to teleport or why she shouldn't.

Shamal was more valuable just outside of the battlefield than jumping into it, and her Windows of Travel allowed her to tele-attack with just her hands.

Fate has never demonstrated the ability to make a Dimensional Teleport that doesn't involve traveling to the Garden of Time, which might have had some sort of beacon or gateway to facilitate the spell for somemone who knew the password.

The Wolkenritter... Well, the side materials say that Dimensional Teleport isn't normally a spell Ancient Belkans learned or used, so short-range movement may be something they've never actively tried to master or incorporate into their fighting styles. Especially since they can already move pretty darn fast, conventionally. Probably went against their knightly idea of combat, just like shooting and bomdardment magic, and capture spells.
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