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Old 2007-09-29, 02:55   Link #214
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by butter_sashimi View Post
Someone please explain to me why this half baked pimp never answers serious direct questions properly. Sometimes its not his actions that piss me off but his lack of.

Here's what I mean with some examples:
"Are you Kotonoha's bf still?" ---> "um...."
"You're my bf right?" --> "....."
"What are you trying to do with Kato....what about Sekai?" ---> "uhh..."
"You'll be my dance partner?" ---> "umm, that.."
And with the most recent:[/I]
"So its now my turn to be abandoned the moment Im preganant?!" ---> "That...."

Maybe its possible to have bad oral skills but c'mon!
That's how the average harem male talks, sadly. It's why people got sick of harem anime so fast - the male lead was a wimpy, spineless, piece of dirt who is surrounded by tons of amazingly hot women all wanting to bang him and cater to his every whim.

Male fantasy, pretty much.

If there is one thing to applaud School Days for, it shows what happens when the spineless guy who screws around with women (physically and emotionally) gets what he REALLY deserves.
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