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Old 2010-11-09, 13:59   Link #50
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Clairvoyance is a must for my support champs (Zilean, Lux, Janna, Soraka etc), if for anything else but to prevent people from telling me that I don't buy wards lol. In all seriousness though, it's very useful to prevent ganks when I overextend in the laning phase, scout brushes for those people who abuse them, check dragon/baron whenever I want to, etc. Map awareness wins games, and Clairvoyance is useful for the same reason buying wards are. (If there's any one advice I'd give to new players, its to buy a ward everytime they go back to base)

That said, I found its only really useful if you can get its mastery plus the last talent in the utility line, allowing you to cast it every 40 some-odd seconds. Otherwise, it just doesn't last very long and its CD is too long for my liking.

As for tanks, the higher tier ones are actually very varied. Rammus is the second fastest jungler in the game (on top of that he is one of the, if not the best ganker coming out of the jungle), Shen is very useful ganking or preventing it, Galio is a poke machine, and Amumu's initiation is second to none. In fact, I actually don't mind playing tanks, since I find some part of them VERY fun to play (Rammus with ganking, Shen with his ult, Galio farming, and Amumu just winning teamfights by bandage into curse of sad mummy).

As for Baron, there are a few people who can solo it, provided they build properly. Warwick, Master Yi, Tryndamere, Xin Zhao are just a few who can do so. That said, it takes so long that its not generally worth it, and at my play level, it seems that baron is warded 24/7 ><

Also for the record, Poppy ain't a tank. She's an 'carry assassin' much like Akali. In fact, her ultimate actually DISCOURAGES people from attacking her, so yeah... lol

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