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Old 2008-03-22, 09:55   Link #28
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Location: China Beijing
Originally Posted by Shinndou View Post
Integrity? How can there be any kind of integrity when minorities receive this kind of treatment? Sure, if you throw away ethics, forget about human rights and just care about the economical and political side, you might say there's no contradiction, but since the Olympic Games are supposed to be not just a simple sports event but also to represent and solidify human rights, equality between countries and cultures, and all the positive human and social values, how in the world could this situation not appear contradictory? Allow me to feel a bit, well, vexed. :\
Different treatment among HAN chinese and minorities are really exist.

minorities have a lot of special rights in mainland China.
For example, they can have 2 chindren, they will be given special treatment in some of the important exams, even, in many east china citys, the police will not arrest minorities who violate the law silghtly.
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