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Old 2012-06-06, 04:46   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 670 [manga]

Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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Hey guys! Time for the usual routine! Spoilers come courtesy of T and translated by AP's CCC, as always:

-Chapter title is "Blizzard with a chance of Slime". The splash page features Robin messing with Franky while he's arm-wrestling a gorilla.

-Tashigi (in Smoker's body) tries to fight Luffy, but she's no match for him. However, Smoker himself (in Tashigi's body) takes him on, and puts up a better fight. Robin points out that their bodies must have been switched by Law's power, which cracks Luffy up. He then tells the bespectacled VA that they'll have a rematch next time, as it's pointless for him to fight in his current weaker body.

-Franky uses his beam to destroy the gate, but soon he and the others present witness a bizarre sight. Pieces of the slime are falling from the sky! They also fall on the battleship the marines hijacked. Not only does it poison those on board, but when they try to burn the substance, it explodes, killing everyone on it! It's at this time when Caesar himself finally appears, and tells Luffy and co. that since the slime hates water, it's throwing pieces of itself across the lake. But suddenly, during the middle of his speech, Luffy tackles the scientist and captures him...!!!

Wow, another crazy chapter here. So an entire ship full of marines got exterminated by CC's power..... yikes. Still, I doubt that CC will let himself stay captured for long. I mean, he could turn himself into something toxic in order to escape from Luffy's grasp. Now I just wonder how long it'll be before Zoro's group catches up.....

Oh, and the splash page picture is awesome. Well, seeing as the whole raw is out now, it definitely won't be long until the full translation follows....
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