Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2013-03-08, 03:18   Link #3193
The Green One
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
The problem seems to be to me you're less willing to accept the fact that Achiga's growth is presented as subtle. Winning matches is not the only way to indicate strength. Achiga can get their butts kicked in a match but it's still worthwhile for the experience it gives. Especially if they're playing constantly against powerful opponents.

If you get chucked into a shark pool over and over again you learn to fight the sharks or get torn apart. Achiga has learned through experience and it has begun to unlock the potential talent they have had from the start but lacked the experience to fully use.

Just because the details of the training, the ins and outs of the training, and harue's instructions are not all spelled out in black and white all the time does not make it bad writing. Occasionally frustrating yes, bad writing no. You have to realize that the author is working within time and space constraint, if it was to go into full detail we'd be looking at a much longer series.

Ultimately this is a side story meant to present who the heck these Achiga girls are and why we should give a flying flip about it. It's presented in a concise and brief manner befitting a sidestory. You got to read between the lines in some places to fully appreciate the story.
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