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Old 2008-06-19, 11:54   Link #671
TRUE! Lelouch is dead! XD
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: New Jersey
Age: 36
Originally Posted by demon_god04 View Post
You seem to be under the belief that Lelouch would have used the exact same plan with geass as he would have without. As I see it Lelouch would have had another plan, one that would have taken longer and more preparations until he had the geass and was able to move ahead in a more expedient fashion.
If he waited too long it would have been too late.

Nunnally volunteered, but it did not change the fact that they did not expect her to be anything but a puppet leader. I already pointed this out in the episode 8 thread weeks ago. Do you think that Rohmeiyer would have the nerve to tell someone like Cornelia to "Follow the script next time", or that the administrators would make the decision themselves to exile Zero on the Governer's authority without consulting her? Nunally did found out about the decision to exile Zero with her authority after the decision was made, and she heard it from Suzaku. These are not liberties you take with a leader that you expect to, well, lead.
Excellent points... You win this round.

The nobles would support change to the system? Now who is grasping at straws. If the nobles were receptive to such an idea then it would not take Euphie giving up her claim to the throne to establish something as simple as the SAZ. Zero's rebellion may not have helped in the Number's relations with the Britannians, but the relationship between the two people were already strained before he came along. Regardless, the nobles would not support Suzaku's reforms because it would undermine their perceived superiority.
Which is an even bigger point. Until Suzaku gets into a higher position, what do you EXPECT him to do? You just made it clear that the nobles wouldn't listen to what he had to say anyway, so taking the slow and sure way (at least in my eyes) is better than just fighting a war. These things take time. They just don't happen over night.

Ok, I am begining to wonder if you are not completely misunderstanding what I am saying. Diminished does not mean gone, I never claimed Suzaku is not still bothered by the incident. I only said that Suzaku's anger has diminished as in lessened, that instead of the howling berserker of one year ago, he actually wanted answers to the why did Lelouch do that to Euphie. I repeat, Suzaku is still bothered by it and still carries that incident with him but, and this is a big but, instead of screaming for revenge, like a certain tablefapping psycho, he wants to find out the truth and hear it from Lelouch.
That is fine, but that doesn't mean he still isn't conflicted in his head. Just because he wants answers does not mean that every time Zero does something he doesn't like, he won't think of doing the wrong thing. And even if he thinks about doing the wrong thing, does he ever really let it happen?

There's nothing wrong with being human and having flaws, it is however entirely different when he is aiming for a position where he will essentially decide the fate of millions. If Suzaku wants to be a governor then being indecisive is not a point in his favour. And also we are all hesitant about certain things, the point is whether we are about to learn and grow from those experiences. Suzaku so far have just been stagnating.
The only thing I can do here is disagree. He has only ever been indecisive about two things. Killing needlessly, and anything involving Zero. If Zero was gone, would he actually hesitate? I have to say no.
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