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Old 2004-12-23, 10:10   Link #5
Phat Poster/Thread Killer
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Age: 38
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This thread almost(or maybe does?) break the forum rule against vs threads. It is completely subjective to whether or not it is well formed though. I''ll still answer the question ini my own sort of way:

Byakugan and Sharingan are abilities that enable to user to do specific things. Byakugan allows the users to see near 360 degrees of vision, see through solid objects, and focus in on specific points over a long distance. Sharingan has insight abilities which allow the user to predict movements fo the enemy, find out what's "really going on" with jutsu such that they can copy it, and 2 other specific jutsu that probably have something to do with the eye - tsukiyomi, and mange sharingan.

What is Naruto's Kyuubi(9 tails) ability? It's really is just another form/type of chakra for him that's much stronger than his, or any normal chakra. There is much more of it than anyone else has, and at times he gets some regenerating ability for healing. Aside from the regeneration abilities, which is similar to something a bloodline limit could do, Kyuubi's chakra is noting but a general power-up. The power-up it gives him is just in speed and power. The effect of Naruto in some Kyuubi-like state against Sharingan and Byakugan would be the same as if a high enough level ninja was up against those abilities such that they were just as fast and strong. It is also very similar to the effect of solider pills. Besides those two aspects of improvment, all it gives Naruto is healing ability which is an advantage in a fight, but it doesn't effect the opponent's battle ability.

So what the hell am I trying to say? It's kind of a pointless question. Related Sharingan and Byakugan to Naruto's Kyuubi chakra is like comparing the Demonic Ice Mirror's ability to soldier pills. The person who wins is generally going to be whoever is stronger in general.
If I don't justify what I'm doing, obviously I don't believe in it.
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