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Old 2011-08-30, 18:58   Link #2010
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Kuroi Hadou View Post
I think it's completely relevant. There's nothing wrong with neutral characters, but when they stop being characters and become plot devices there is something wrong.
I disagree, hence my comment about the main character. You can use a character as a plot device as long as they're not the main character. The typical "grunts" are the most common example of such characters. Obviously Kira is a step above grunt in Destiny, and that is shown by his effect on Shinn, but the principle is the same.
I do realize that, which is why he should show that he doesn't get any joy from fighting. Instead, what do they show? Him going about his business as usual both before and after he gets in the cockpit.
This goes back to what Kira learned in SEED. Kira doesn't like fighting, but he also knows he has the power to protect his loved ones. He's no longer the same Kira that was in the beginning of SEED.

So you see, this just further shows that Kira's development in SEED was not wasted in Destiny.
That's even more reason to show emotion, and at the very least more of a reason to try to connect with characters like Shinn and Rey. Sure, they weren't in the mood to listen, but Kira never even made the effort. After Stella died, which Kira should have some understanding of Shinn's emotional state considering what happened to Flay, Kira's only communication with Shinn was "Please stop!", and I don't remember a single dialogue during his battle with Rey. He was Rau's ghost, nothing more.
We don't really know if Kira knew about the significance of Stellar, and I highly doubt it. And he's never really been the type to just talk to anybody personally during battle without some serious provocations.
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