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Old 2004-01-28, 17:51   Link #16
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 40
Originally Posted by JAppi
No, you are wrong. They sound just as bad as the fandubs. The only difference is that the studios have expensive equipment that the fandubbers do not.

These fandubs are on par with most so called "professtional" dubs.
Have you watched a dub in recent years? I've noticed a very strange ignorance of more recent anime dubs in this particular community, such as that all dubs are censored and poorly done. And I'm not talking about the low-budget kiddie dubs like Yu-Gi-Oh. Try Cowboy Bebop. Try Spirited Away. Hell, just rent a Region 1 DVD and try to tell me that well-respected companies like Geneon, ADVision, and even Viz are putting out dubs as poor as the average fandub. I'm someone who'll take a sub over a dub any day, but have found myself grudgingly admitting that many, many recent dubs captured the characters and emotions of the story on approaching level of the Japanese actors. In the case of Cowboy Bebop, you'll actually find sections of fandom who think the dub is better.

Now, take a fandub. Your casting consists of random people who've never had any experience with acting in general, let alone working solely with their voices, sending in clips. You don't get to go to, say, the William Morris agency and listen to their catalog of actors - you get to pick from the people who send clips in and try to pick from those. Then you've got to use whatever cheap software you can, in addition to only a raw tape for mixing, as opposed to having access to the original masters which will have the dialogue track separate in the first place. If you're lucky, the series you're trying to dub will have a soundtrack you can rip from. If not, you get the Sailor Moon dub, which is full of akward silences whenever they couldn't get the music for the sequence. Actually, since the Sailor Moon project was what I was talking about...that has it's own unique problem in that these are live actors being dubbed. Voice synching live actors who were already speaking another language is notoriously hard. Thus there's the wretched "Godzilla effect", where the voices are so unnaturally dubbed in that it's impossible to believe that the voices you're hearing are naturally spoken by the people you're watching.

No, the amount of effort or the fact that "Oh, but this is there first project!" does not excuse the sub-par product that results.
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