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Old 2008-02-06, 12:17   Link #9
Has a life IRL
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Originally Posted by allenephilim88 View Post
Well, it depends. In the case of the HRL I would make an alliance with either the AEU or the Union. The reason??? I seriously believe that HRL military technology is behind compared to the other blocks (a normal flag or an realdo is definitely more effective than a Tieren).
There's been no proof whatsoever that a Tieren is less than a Realdo or even a Flag in 1v1 combat. And since it was te AEU that not only blatantly copied the Union Flag but is also behind on their elevator, while the HRL is leading the field of human enhancement, you might want to rethink that claim that the HRL is technologically behind.


The gundams can defeat a tieren pretty easy, but not a flag or another mobile suit.
CB has been shooting down Enacts, which are near carbon copies of the standard flag, right and left. The only reason fewer Flag CUSTOMS have been shot down is because they are piloted by 'elite' Grunts, same as to why few space tierens have been shot down.
The most viable alliance would be with the AEU, because they still haven't finished the orbital elevator and they could strengthen their military with the help of the HRL. Besides, it would be great to see Sergei and colonel Manekin working together (imagine the strategies they would use to capture the gundams).
Counterpoint: It would be better to ally with Union, so that the AEU isn't springboarded as a major competitor once Gundam technology is captured. The Union already has good relations with you, while the AEU is right next door.

Also, Manekin hasn't shown any exceptional tactical brilliance to speak of yet.
In the case of the Union, I would do something pretty similar to what Celestial Being did. I would contact (not kidnap) the world's greatest scientist and put them to do a research on the gundams (anti-gundam weapons development, research on GN particles, etc...). And to prevent something similar to what happend to prof. Eifman, I would either put them into a high security military base, or create some kind of network for them to work on different places. Taking in consideration that the Union is geographically the biggest block, it would be difficult for the Thrones to target them.
Why would a Union scientist work for you?

More importantly, why would any HRL base be more secure than THE ENTIRE UNION MILITARY CENTER IN SOUTH AMERICA?

And no, the Union isn't the biggest geographic block. That still goes to the HRL, who has everything between India, China, and Siberia.
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