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Old 2012-03-24, 09:48   Link #37
Romance Expert
Join Date: Feb 2012
do note that in those "gags", there's often hidden meanings and words that pose forshadowing to future events that will happen.
also, those "gags" are there to show how araragi's relationship with the girls and how close he is to them. note how the previous arc girl gets screen time in the current one, its to show how the girl has improved/changed along with their feelings for araragi and vice versa on his side.

the monogatari series is pretty much only semi-serious(or semi-dark) than it seems to be advertised by others. the series is a lot more on parody and fun imo with interesting twists(like how araragi was actually the lost guy in mayoi snail, how nadeko had more than one curse in nadeko snake, how the bee was actually as fake as the instigator, etc.)
what really made the show was not the supernatural elements but more on the characters. how the characters have changed thanks to araragi. how they feel about araragi. and vice versa for araragi.

you just got yourself distracted by the "fanservice" than you would care to admit if you missed these points. I admit that I loved the "fanservice" but it was the hidden meaning behind those moments. at least none of it was like the typical "you saw my panties" where protag receives a slap. in this one, it showed how the characters are with each other and how it has changed. kinda like how in shounen, some characters fight to show how their relationship has gotten "better" after the others loss.
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