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Old 2012-05-24, 06:28   Link #5073
The Shermain
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NY
Age: 44
Considering there aren't many disciples left, the manga is going to either end soon or there will be no story left to write. There've been no low-level masters developed for Kenichi to fight... All of Yami's leaders are in the Grand Master class. The power difference is just too great and would require decades more before Kenichi could hold his own against them.

Unless, of course, the mangaka coulf just decide to toss in a bunch more underdeveloped disciples just to give Kenichi something to do without ever actually having him become a master. Either way, my interest in the manga has disappeared since it became History's Strongest Masters. I honestly could care less about Hongou and Jenezad fighting and I feel that Kenichi learned nothing from this arc. Yeah, he landed a blow on Miu... while unconscious. We already know that he's stronger when he's out cold. Until he decides to fight her normally while still conscious, he learns nothing. The only thing he can learn is how pointless his goal is to protect Miu as he'd have to face people like Jenezad or her father to do so, which is impossible for him... Maybe in a few decades, but not in the manga's lifetime. I'll be dropping it for now... At least for a couple hundred chapters. Same thing I did with Bleach and MSN.

Last edited by KLGChaos; 2012-05-24 at 06:48.
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