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Old 2013-06-28, 01:31   Link #48
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Originally Posted by Rawrz View Post
Why in hell they hid the info from Marine HQ anyway? This only proves that either some Pirates have spies over Marine network or WG just lost all of its credibility amongst their prime combat forces for nothing. I mean duh...if they are trying to keep it secret, all marines amongst Fujitora's group just learnt about it due to Law's whining.

And on a smaller note, Donflamingo reminds me of real world Jean Lafitte the most, gaining immunity to most "big bosses" around the world, creating huge illegal trades networks and becoming almost "The Legal Pirate". And he eventually lost due to increased naval aggression that messed with some important people's profits.
Originally Posted by grey_1960 View Post
Chapter 712
That was not a bad chapter. Daflamingo should be careful not to underestimate the Marines. Daflamingo really did do his home work on the Straw Hats. I hope the Straw Hats get to do a match up with Daflamingo.

Wild Card
With the Marines being left out of the loop Daflamingo should be careful. It seems Fujitori has a strong sense of good justice, on top of that the marines were not informed about the little stunt.

If I were Admiral Fujitori I would sit back and enjoy the fight between the two. Then right when one of them(Most likely Daflamingo) is about to kill the other, I would use my Devil Fruit and suppress both of them down or just Daflamingo and let Law escape. Keep them from killing each other. If Daflamingo pushed further I would remind him what it means to be the Admiral Rank. That will teach CP-0 and the celestial Dragons to play games with an Marine's time.
Are those like the evil clones of Doflamingo?
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