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Old 2011-10-28, 19:16   Link #1318
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Somewhere between heaven and hell !
Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
I do remember one player building 2 Warmog's Armor for Olaf which made his health skyrocket past 3000 (All he had was 2 Warmogs and a Doran's Shield) or somewhere near that from what I remember. But I never heard of Olaf jungling. Nocturne I agree is a pretty good ganker, so I can still place out a very decent damage while having a good armor focus for Nocturne?

Hmm, maybe I was thinking of Katarina? I can't remember so well, but I generally build Jax more into AP since I aim for the 500+ hp 80+ ap scepter which is easier to get then Frozen Mallet in my opinion (could be wrong).

So I should probably look more into getting a jungler that has a great CC?
Lol 2 Warmorgs. Well , 1 is enough then build the atma.

I play Nocturne jungle , my core build = Wriggle , Mercure , Youmuu , then after it depends on the opponent.

More AD dmg = take Randuin or Thornmail , then banshee and last item is a dps item , your choice , Infinite edge/Bloodthirst/Trinity....

More AP dmg = Banshee , FoN , last item dps.

And if the game still doesn't end and you have lot of moneys , switch wriggle with Madred. Usually , game end when you get Youmuu or 1st def item.

For the jungler , yeah , better to start with a jungler like Nocturne , Xin , Udyr if you want more successful gank.
Or you still can play WW , when you're ready to gank with Red buff at level 4 for example , tell your mate to be ready and play aggressive , and you can slow mvt with Red buff + have the blood aura when enemy are about to die.
Or wait your lv6 to get your CC ultimate but well 0 early gank ouch.
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