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Old 2013-02-15, 01:10   Link #5199
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Originally Posted by SkullFaerie View Post
As for Katrina and her stint on teen mom season 15324... yeah, sure, age differences aren't weird in certain settings such as Thrones or anything up until, uhm, the 1900s upwards I guess.
But those are usually NOT happy unions. If you want to quote Daenerys or somesuch, come on. That was odd and very situational. And even then there are psychological concerns involved. That's hardly a happy love story.
These unions are usually arranged and make girls very unhappy.
Also, despite the 1850-1900 touch of GW, it's set in a modern, advanced society with modern gender roles and attitudes, thus the whole thing seems strange, sorry.
I hate to disagree with this. Really, I do... the topic is just too icky to touch even with a 10 ft. pole. I don't think any of us will ever be ok with the huge age gap, but honestly, shit like that happens even now. We have the poster child of HUGE age differences of Anna Nicole Smith that, by all appearances, really loved her hubby who was 60+ years older then her! Then again, the guy died soon after their marriage leaving her a filthy rich widow... There's Sam Taylor-Wood who married a guy a good 20 years younger, and that other actor dude who married a girl once she turned 18 and her mother allowed it (name skips my mind), and if I recall correctly, Hugh Hefner was recently married to a much younger girl. By all appearances, happy marriages (so far...). But by the same token, lets not forget the other end of the spectrum in which Demi Moore goes for Ashton Kutcher and gets her heart broken by the kid. So ya, even if we're uncomfortable with it, it happens.

And I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but for once Sumizawa moved a plotline along. At least, as far as any plot so far is concerned, this marriage was actually an interesting side story. Kathrina/Sabrina/ThatTwin didn't want to marry Eric or even accept his money when first offered. As I remember, please correct me if I'm wrong (which I'm sure I am somewhere), he suggested marriage, she declined, he suggests to give her the money no strings attached, she still declines, and finally accepts to take his money when she was in a dire situation. I can't remember her reason for also accepting the marriage (probably as a thanks for the HUGE help), but she did and since Sumizawa hasn't told us what happened afterwards, I would guess that they lived a long life together.

How's that for flinging wrenches!?!?!?!?!?!

Originally Posted by IkuzeMinna View Post
Uh, Catherine Bloom anyone? She goes from a nice and protective girl, who once beat some sense into a guy because he tried to kill himself, to some savage shrew, who'll punch your face in for calling her old or not saying "Hi."

And do we ever get an explanation for either girls' "character development"? No siree! Sumizawa is too busy trolling us with flashbacks of people who aren't even in the present storyline.
Totally didn't forget that, but since I was talking about Hilde and the already dead horse topic of Duo-Hilde relationship I just decided to stick to her and her new found fascination with breaking people's bones and making their lives miserable. Ahh, the yaoi fans must be rejoicing with this new depiction of the "couple" and justifying Duo and Heero's love for one another. Now I must go to the bathroom and hurl the contents of my stomach.

Has Duo accepted paternity over Jr. yet? Or is Sumizawa still "trying" to troll us here?
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And as the Black Beast lurched forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack! The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue. - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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