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Old 2012-07-13, 14:11   Link #6
Join Date: Dec 2006
( ゚∀゚)o彡° NTR! NTR! Go, Naomi, Go!
His character design is boring, but I enjoy his character. Shame he looks too boring though.

New OP:
-Mysterious rap (same one from Shana III?)
-Naked pig
-The two guys riding together on the motorcycle (Uho!)
="Entertaining" OP

As always, gotta love the settings that get added as it comes. Now a new ability that allows a none-9 character to do level-9 stuff.

So there are two cameras or a camera and a recording.
One shows the pig sneaking into the girl's locker room.
Another shows ?, probably just recording the girls' changing.
According to Naomi, the one that shows the recording of the Pig will be very hard to defend because of the 2nd camera, but......... Hmm?
But the first camera/recording shows the Pig. For one thing, the criminal wouldn't take a video of himself. Therefore, the video that would be released could not have been taken by the Pig, but someone else. Then let's say that the Pig set up the camera that is found. But since in the first place, the recording released could not be the Pig, the camera being spotted wouldn't make the Pig harder to defend, but rather, help the "He's been framed" statement?
Anyways, not that I care to think harder about it, but there is some flaw in Naomi's threat.
In the first place, why doesn't the Pig and Chi-chan (forgot her full name) just record what Naomi is saying? Don't tell me that despite the technology advancing so greatly, they can't do that on the spot? Even though kids are recording stuff in secret today with today's technology? Talk about Jinrui ha Suitaishimashita!

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