Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2012-06-14, 18:03   Link #1220
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Originally Posted by night_sentinel View Post
I'm a bit curious what would be the most correct meaning for Miyanaga given those two kanji ? And just to clarify Saki and Teru does correspond to Bloom and Shine respectively, right?
Originally Posted by Sumeragi View Post
Hard to say, although I would bet on "The Temple is Eternal" or something to that effect. Surnames aren't the most readable characters, unless it's blatant like Sumeragi (皇, Imperial Monarch).

Got to agree with Sumeragi here. The Japanese surname or Chinese surname in most case doesn't mean a thing. Most of time it is the result of the location of the ancestry where they originated. Especially in Japanese, where unless your family were of samurai class or above, your surname are most likely product of the reform during Meji-restoration Period in the mid-late 19th Century.

The name could either simply derive from a location, a building, what not.

In case of Miyanaga, the Kanji order doesn't make to much sense grammatically, as 宮 is a noun and 永 is an adjective. Instead of trying to fit the meaning "The Temple/mansion is Eternal" into the name might as well question the reason why the name isn't 永宮 instead for the effect of "eternal temple"

Usually in these cases, the origin of the name might be two faced, meaning that 宮
and 永 are to be taken apart as separate entity and they might now necessarily describing the same thing.

For example, Hashiba Hideyoshi (the future Toyotomi Hideyoshi)'s Hashiba (羽柴) doesn't mean a thing together and even separated it meaning wasn't the reason Hideyoshi picked those two characters. The tow characters were taken simply because each character were taken from Oda Nobunaga's two famous retainers Niwa Nagahide (丹羽 長秀) and Shibata Katsuie (Shibata Katsuie).

Or it might simple means that Miyanaga clan is originate from a area call Miyanaga and the area has a grand mansion/temple that has been there forever or there simple is a temple there call Miyanaga Temple and the name is derived from that.

so in short, surname usually don't mean much unless they are in context of other surnames when dissecting a name in a work for symbolism.

For example if character's surnames are Minamoto and Taira you know they are most likely to be enemies or at least at opposite side.

Instead of dissecting the meaning of the surname name, given names are usually the ones that are worth more to looking into, at least for individual meaning.

As for surname, you are usually looking for connection with other surname and not really the meaning by itself.
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