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Old 2008-06-13, 07:39   Link #54
Sabaku Kyu
The Ironman
Join Date: Sep 2006
My favorite part of the chapter was Urahara's reaction to seeing Shinji...

"What's with that ugly mask?"

And I guess that Aizen's reiatsu is no joke either, since he used it to overwhelm Urahara as well as Tousen, who we know is immune to Aizen's shikai.

Originally Posted by amirali1985
If Aizen wanted to lie to Urahara, he could've just used hypnosis to ensure he didn't see the hollow masks or sword wounds. He didn't.............why?
Maybe he did do it on purpose but if Aizen didn't sense them approaching then he wouldn't have time to create a convincing illusion. After all, Urahara and Tessai wouldn't buy the illusion after they had already seen the real injuries while Aizen wasn't paying attention.

Originally Posted by amirali1985
I still don't understand why Tessai didn't use a 90s level kidou. The only reason I can think of is if all the 90s level spells are "single target" powers and he wanted an "area of effect" attack that would take out all enemies. Anyone who's played RPGs would get what i mean .
Well, Aizen is just a VC. Remember, we as readers know Aizen is to be taken very seriously, but most of the shinigami had no idea of his real power. 90's level spell would've been extreme overkill to use on a lieutenant. For Tessai, it must have been inconceivable that someone on VC level could counter an 80's level kidou (without an incantation nonetheless).

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