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Old 2012-09-28, 01:29   Link #2904
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Haven't had one of those in quite a while, although they are lolworthy moments. 5v5->4v5->4v4->3v3->1v2->me against the minions
About being reported...
Once made a very unusual Teemo/Kayle lane with jungling Fiddle. We actually dominated pretty hard and while Fiddles was taking on drake, I stopped by to get the last hit, giving me exactly the amount of money I needed to finish an item. He sure seemed interested in my life after that. Worth noting, he actually sucked at playing Fiddlesticks, unleashing failed over-the-wall crowstorms that hit nothing and going 1v3->dead->OMG Y U NO HELP! ...did that 3 times. Yeah.

Btw is it just me or do anyone else think Rengar scales down pretty bad, I was in a ranked once where we won even though an opposing Rengar have 20-1, maybe it was the game throwing but against my irelia it doesn't seem like he's doing suitable damage considering how fed he was.
It really depends on how he's built and how you're countering him. During free week, I remember getting an AtMogMallet and a MoM (kinda early hexdrinker) to counter HP shredders. It worked well enough for that game but is definitely bad for different matchups. In any case, bruisers are meant to be just like that; offtanks with enough damage to be a considerable force, but not really into carry territory.

P.S: Garen with void staff, because demacian justice deals magic dmg! Riot, please make it true dmg so that I never have to see this again >_<
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