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Old 2008-10-22, 08:05   Link #20
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Join Date: Dec 2005
To be clear about Luffy's Haki...

From what I can make out from the scans...

The Amazons say that Luffy has "覇王色" (Haoushoku) Haki. Not sure how best to translate it but the "ha" bit is the same as in "haki". The "shoku" bit normally refers to colours but can be used in other ways, implying a mood or ambiance or something. "supreme king colour" would be one possible literal kanji-for-kanji translation.

The chapter seems to imply that "haoushoku" Haki can be used dominate people mentally - leadership squared, as it were. Boa Hancock has definitely been using/abusing that.

I also found that "覇王竜" (Haouryuu) is an old word to refer to tyrannosaurus rex ("king of the tyrant lizards"). The "haou" kanji are the same (ryuu = dragon).

They also say that only one in "several million" can gain/learn it - the word/phrase used is "身につける" (mi ni tsukeru) which means "to learn" or to "acquire knowledge or ability". This is not an inherent ability.
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